Yesterday, young hero Vijay Deverakonda posted a picture that explains Mahanati Savitri was a race car enthusiast. He referred to Savitri as ‘cool chick’ that didn’t go well with netizens who criticized him for his remarks. While very few people supported him, many condemned him for calling a legendary actress like Savitri chick. Few even demanded apology from Vijay.
Apparently, Vijay Deverakonda who didn’t expect this criticism has fired on those who trolled him in Twitter. He posted series of tweets to express his anguish on them.
“All who want an apology - chennai Leela Palace lo unna ocheyandi. I will even be giving you #Mahanati audio launch entries. She would have been happy to have you all back then - because appudu me lanti morals and ethics batch called her a home breaker and alcoholic, she was many things fearless, philanthropic, generous, but at her core she was like anyone else a girl with dreams first, a woman who loved & wanted to be loved next and a superstar last. #MahanatiOnMay9th.
I think she would have been super happy to be called in admiration "what a cool chick"
As we all know, Vijay Deverakonda has played the role of a journalist in the biopic of Savitri. Samantha will be seen opposite him in Mahanati that stars Keerthy Suresh portraying Savitri. Directed by Nag Ashwin, Mahanati will release on May 9th.