Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan has now focused on pachchi boothulu delivered by Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna in a recent public meet. While slamming ABN channels' head Radhakrishna, Pawan kalyan expressed his immense concern over registering cases against Janasena activists by RK. Afterwards, he called him TDP Jyothi Ratna. He further went on alleging if RK advised abuses to TDP leaders (Balakrishna?) to target PM Modi to achieve special category status.
* RK,We will bear your Abuse ,what to do? we are meek & powerless.We will suffer. Case registered against Pavan Kalyan Fans..ABN COMPLIANT..345/2018 u/s 147,148,324,34,427-IPC,7-CLA-1932 at PS/District: Banjara Hills / Hyderabad City on dt:21/04/2018*
* TDPJyothi Rathna,RK.. what is the culture of TDP, Abuse everyone.. Right from PM to Commoner. Good training, keep it up.
* TDP leaders has a great strategy to achieve “Special category Staus,” Abuse Prime Minister of India in the most Unparliamentary language. Who advised? Definitely, it must be RK.