Apparently Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej's Inttelligent stands at a safe zone and producer's intelligence is said to be the reason for it. As we know, Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's Gauthamiputra Satakarni collected around Rs.47 crores in its full run. Even then, Jai Simha was bankrolled with a shoestring budget by producer C Kalyan.
Now that, Jai Simha was sold out for just Rs.27 crores and the film hit screens for Sankranthi season, the movie could easily reach the break even and stood as an above average grosser at the ticket windows.
It's learnt that Jai Simha strategy is being applied by the producer for Inttelligent. Reportedly, Inttelligent was made with a comfortable budget and was sold out for reasonable prices. Moreover, the producer's negotiations with Mega Prince Varun Tej's Tolliprema makers went fruitful and Toliprema was postponed by a day. All in all, C Kalyan's intelligence expected to get worked out a big time for Sai's Inttelligent.