Agnyathavasi's colossal flop hasn't had that much impact on film's hero Power Star Pawan Kalyan and director Trivikram. As we all know, Pawan Kalyan has been busy in politics quite aggressively while Trivikram is busy doing script work on Young Tiger NTR's film The director appeared to have no time feeling sad for Agnyathavasi's miserable failure.
But then, there is one man who is learnt to have deeply hurt with Agnyathavasi's result. And he is none other than NTR! Prior to Agnyathavasi's release NTR had desperately tried to team up with then crazy director Trivikram.
Sadly, AGV's result has done much damage to Trivikram and some of the people wondered if the director lost his expertise in the department concerned. Also, NTR has several doubts on the script of the movie which was prepared for him.
Eventually, more time is being spent on script work of NTR's film. It's also heard that the director sacked some of his associates and appointed new team in the direction department. More details of the film are awaited.