Power Star Pawan Kalyan has fans not only from all sections of movie lovers across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh but also from many young stars in the industry. It is known that Pawan Kalyan is gearing up to contest the upcoming 2019 general elections.
Currently Pawan Kalyan is busy formulating strategies to strengthen his political party Jana Sena which he launched just before the 2014 elections. In the midst of all this Navadeep,the young hero from Tollywood who recently participated in Young Tiger NTR's reality game show Bigg Boss while participating in a TV show said Pawan Kalyan is the man best suited to be the CM.
Answering many rapid fire questions, Navadeep when asked whom does he think best suited to be the Chief Minister replied 'Power Star Pawan Kalyan' without any pause. His reply was met with thunderous applause from all quarters.