Film Nagar is abuzz with heated discussions on biopic on legendary actor, former CM of Andhra Pradesh, NTR. His son Natasimha Balakrishna is leading the way to come with a biopic on his dad NTR and pay floral tributes on silver screen.
The biopic titled NTR will be directed by Teja and Balakrishna himself is playing the role of his dad NTR. In the meantime filmmakers are hunting for the cast for the important roles in the film.
According to the latest it is coming out that family hero Jagapathy Babu will be playing the role of NTR's son in law, present AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu while Kalyan Ram, son of Harikrishna will reprise his dad's role in the film. It is known that Harikrishna,son of NTR shot to fame driving NTR's Chaitanya Ratham when he entered poltics and toured the state in a whirlwind manner.
Sources say the film will go to sets from February, 2018 and will be made in four languages Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi. Star actors like ANR, Sivaji Ganesan, Rajkumar and Sobhan Babu will be shown in the film.