The other day, when director Ram Gopal Varma announcd Lakshmi's NTR's project, TDP's leaders expressed their fear on the project to the core. TDP MLC Babu Rajendra Prasad warned RGV to take his decision back. In retort, RGV posted a lengthy message in which he rendered a thought provoking message on heroes fans.
According to RGV a genuine fan of a hero should follow every decision taken up by the hero. Quoting TDP leaders criticisms RGV said, "Followers of heroes should follow every decision taken up by those heroes. If not they are considered to be fake followers."
Although RGV intended to lambaste TDP's leaders in his post, some of the observers have felt that there is a truth in RGV's words on followers of heroes. "We often see hardcore favouritism of fans on movies enacted by their heroes. However, the same fans stay away from the political decisions taken up by the same hero. In such case, they can be regarded partial followers of that particular hero. A genuine follower must go with every move of his favourite hero. If not he can't claim he is a complete follower of that particular hero," says an observer.
However, some more observers contradict with above notion. According to them, fans too have individual opinions and they need not support every move of their favourite heores. But then, in such case, the word follower may not be applicable as it seems.