Few months ago, maverick filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma himself announced that he will be directing Legend NTR biopic starring Balakrishna in title character. But never the actor did confirm or condemn this development till sometime back.
Anyways, in an interview during Paisa Vasool promotions, Balayya went on to say that the director to handle such a powerful project will be announced soon indicating that it is not RGV at any cost.
At the same time, Balakrishna went on to say that elaborate research went into NTR’s life and people who are associated with him are specially met to have clear picture on biopic. In fact, Balayya himself took time to meet some special people in Chennai to known more on early life of his legendary father.
Currently shooting for a film with KS Ravikumar, the Nandamuri Nata Simham promised on NTR biopic to begin very soon and for sure not with RGV.
Given the free spirited nature of Ram Gopal Varma who passes time commenting on other films and popular film celebrities lost all his sheen in last five to eight years. Though Balakrishna buckles at some obligatory calls like one that of accepting Paisa Vasool, when it comes to NTR biopic he is not at all ready to take easy choices. RGV is undoubtedly a technical genius but he cannot be a right option to helm.