Young Tiger NTR launched Sama Samaj Party and is busy campaigning for votes. Yes you have read it right! But then, you will see NTR as a political party's head on silver screen only.
As we know, NTR is sporting three roles in his upcoming film Jai Lava Kusa. One of the characters Jai will be seen as a politician in the film. He will do a grey shaded role in his characterization.
The first teaser that showed Jai's characterization has got record number of views on youtube. Team JLK is now planning to release two more teasers of other characters Lava and Kusa. Rashi Khanna and Nivetha Thomas are pairing up with NTR in this mass entertainer. Devi Sri Prasad scored the music of the film. The movie has been directed by Bobby, NTR's elder brother Kalyan Ram has produced the film on NTR Arts. The movie's release date has been locked to 21st of September.