Heroine Taapsi faced flak on her derogatory comments on Darshakendrudu K Raghavendra Rao. As we know, Taapsi gave an interview to a Youtube's comedy channel in which she tried to degrade KRR and Tollywood at her best with her silly chat. She said it was not sensuous throwing a coconut on her navel.
KRR is one of the all time legendary directors of Tollywood. He gave life to Taapsi as a heroine in Jhummandi Naadam. With pressure mounted from all corners to take her words back, Taapsi has finally tendered her apologies.
“I didn’t intend to hurt anyone but I realized it happened, It took a couple of days to understand what went wrong from my side as I was making fun of myself and how I was unfit for the industry. I really want to apologize. Unintentionally if anyone feelings are hurt, I am really sorry. It’s because of KRR sir I am here, he was the one who launched me”, apologized Taapsi.