Young Tiger NTR's Bigg Boss reality show is going to be the biggest Television show till date. The show has officially been launched by the team today which includes NTR, Star MAA's head Alok Jain Oppo's head Vincent.
Vincent said It was a brilliant opportunity to be associated with Star MAA. "It's going to be a superb experience to our viewers," he added. Alok Jain said the show has been a huge success in 40+ countries. He hoped the show would become a huge success on small screen.
Answering to a question NTR said, "I like challenges very much. Never ever had I thought how to get presented myself as a host. Even then, I accepted the challenge. I look forward for the success of the show.
NTR also informed he hadn't known much about the show until his cousin spoke about the show hosted by Salman Khan in Hindi. "I got good pay but which is not that much you predicted," quipped NTR for another question.