Allu Arjun and Harish Shankar’s combo DJ Duvvada Jagannadham under Dil Raju production released yesterday has opened to humongous Box Office response from all the centers. Going by the unofficial trade reports from close film circles, DJ is eyeing on almost Rs. 33 Crores gross on day one which is in fact a phenomenal performance.
Like Harish Shankar informed media friends yesterday on DJ will surely set a high commercial benchmark in Allu Arjun films, now the words are almost proving to be true in reality. Though exact figures from Dil Raju camp may be available in next few hours, here are the early estimates exclusively gathered by CJ for our viewers.
Andhra 14 Crores
Nizam+Ceded 10 Crores
USA 3 Crores
Karnataka 4 Crores
Rest 2 Crores
Total Gross On Day 1 - 33 Crores
A film grossing 33 Crores gross without a single premiere show screened is something really amazing.
For more information on DJ, stay tuned to CJ.