Initially, the show generated poor TRPs and Megastar Chiranjeevi received criticisms as a host of the new season. However, within no time the TRPs increased considerably and Chiranjeevi too received praises from all corners. Above all, the show made him earning fame from some new sections of this generation.
This is all about 'Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu's 4th season we are talking about. The season was successfully completed with the 60th episode that was aired last night. And then, it was a grand ending of the season by Chiranjeevi.
Chiranjeevi felicitated Dada Sahab Phalke award's recipient K Viswanath in the last episode. KV explained about his journey as a director. What matters was that both Chiranjeevi and KV appeared to have competed themselves in exhibiting their modesty in the special show.
"A Million Thanks To Everyone For All The Love...Tribute to #MegastarChiranjeevi with Magical Moments from #MeeloEvaruKoteeswarudu Season-4," Star MAA tweeted.