Junior NTR is deliberately sidelined from Telugu Desham Party and Andhra Pradesh politics providing space for Balakrishna, who is currently holding a special position. However, there has been a never ending buzz that Tarak is taking his own sweet time to rejoin politics which is in fact inherited by blood from his grandfather legendary NTR.
Before the next general elections, both Tarak and his Babai are following their beaten to death and famous cinema path to win the trust of Telugu audience. As per a report, Boyapati Srinu has already sketched a powerful political script for Balayya which would be released exactly coinciding with 2019 elections.
Meanwhile, a discussion in film circles says that Junior NTR and Trivikram Srinivas combination is likely on the cards around same time with a political thriller subject questioning the contemporary party and caste based politics in our country. For the first time, Trivikram is exploring an out of the box idea and Tarak is more than happy to work with him. Let us see, how young tiger checkmates his Babai’s political plans in coming days.