Naga Chaitanya's forthcoming family entertainer 'Raarandoyid Veduka Chooddam' has created positive buzz among the movie folks due to its genre and successful cast and crew. The film's first single, the title song, was out today. Ramajogayya Sastry penned touching lyrics while Devi Sri Prasad made sure it's going to be yet another hit number among marriage songs.
Ranjith and Gopika Poornima lent their voices for this melodious song. Meanwhile, the makers have aimed at releasing the film in this month itself and the official date of release is yet to be announced.
Gorgeous beauty Rakul Preet Singh romanced Naga Chaitanya in the film. 'Soggade Chinni Nayana's director Kalyan Krishna Kurasala wielded megaphone for the film. King Nagarjuna produced the movie on Annapurna Studios.