'Pelli Choopulu', which was made with a shoestring budget, stunned the movie lovers amassing Rs.10 crores collections world wide. Besides, the movie showed a new angle in commercial cinema. The director of the film, Tarun Bhasker was lauded by industry's celebs for his brilliant make.
The other day, Taun Bhaskar's interview was broadcasted by a top TV news channel, which made Young Tiger NTR's fans going berserk. The director said he was disappointed for missing best feature film award for the film at IIFA.
"Many of my well wishers rang me up and consoled me for missing the award. 'Janatha Garage' got the award because they want TRPs. That film was made on a grand scale and it was a commercial movie," said the director.
NTR's fans, however, breathed fire on the director and posted hatred messages on social media. They further went overboard registering the death date of the director on Wikipedia page. Being a top hero's fans, NTR's fans shouldn't have indulged in such silly acts. Even other big films like 'Sarrainodu', 'Dhruva' etc. deserve awards. Fortunately, 'Janatha Garage' won the award. As such, fans are supposed to take delight of it ignoring other factors.