Akkineni Akhil finally began to experience the real kick of working with a super talented director like Vikram K Kumar. As we all know, Akhil’s debut film ‘Akhil’ in VV Vinayak direction resulted in a damp squib. After lot many twists and turns in personal and professional lives, Akhil is back to square doing the second project with ‘Manam’ fame Vikram Kumar.
We are here to exclusively inform our CJ viewers that, Akhil-Vikram combo is a magnificent action backdrop project to be shot in a crisp three month production schedule. Though makers have kept many details about this film very confidential, it’s true that Akhil will be performing many dare devil stunts and is currently in centre of those gravity defying action feats.
Responding to birthday wishes from near and dear, ‘thank you everyone for all your love and wishes. Means the world to me and really gives me such energy. Here’s a picture from shoot,’ Akhil posted the above picture.