It is a known news that a nine numbered Telugu news channel stands as one of the best pro TDP's media houses in AP. The channel always keeps its number one position safe with innovative biased programs on TDP.
And now, the channel appeared to have taken up a crucial task to target the larger sections of NRIs from various other countries including US. As a result, the channel allocated a time slot for TDP. Every night at 11:30, a TDP leader attends for the channel's interview. The leader further gives answers to the Telugu people of India and other countries through Skype.
As we know, the ruling party is criticized by opposition political parties everyday. The TDP leader, who visits the channel's studio, rubbishes the allegation made by the opposition parties. As such two objectives are fulfilled one is to get NRIs support to the TDP and the other one is to lambaste the opposition parties. One shot two birds!! Meanwhile, once in a blue moon, opposition parties' leaders are alo invited to this program.