Here is the rarest of the rare moment that movie lovers had today. Prince Mahesh and AR Murugadoss' upcoming film's set has been visited by none other than Megastar Chiranjeevi today. Seeing Chiranjeevi and Mahesh together in one pic, fans have gone jubilant. Chiranjeevi appeared to have watched a couple of crucial scenes of the film in the above pic.
'Look who visited our set Today,' tweeted ARM who was elated with Chiranjeevi's gracious presence on the sets. Santhosh Sivan tweeted, 'A very distinguished guest on our set'.
Meanwhile, Mahesh and ARM's film is set for a grand release on June 23. Fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the teaser and the title confirmation of the film. The makers have invested a whopping sum of Rs.100 crores on the project.