Till a few days ago, the Telugu man and Tamil Nadu's Governor Vidyasagar Rao was supposed to be the dignified personality. Also, it was thought he was the right person in a right position he held with.
Sadly, the governor had to be pampered in cheap politics being played by the BJP led union government. As we know, all the legislative members including CM Panneerselvam elected Sasikala as their Chief Minister. It was fully a democratic act and no rules had been deviated by the party.
As such, it was expected the governor would invite Sasikala to swear in. In contrast, he has gone missing ever since Sasikala was elected by the MLAs as the floor leader. Thereupon, the BJP played politics using OPS as their powerful pawn. Political analysts are of the opinion that the governor has lost his dignity in the entire episode.
"At this juncture, the governor should al least invite Sasikala to form the government to get his dignity restored. He should not dare to impose governor's rule. Else, the democracy in Tamil Nadu would die," says an observer.