Tamil Nadu state is under political crisis now. It's interesting to learn how our Telugu media is viewing the political developments of TN. Having gone through the bird's eye view, it is understood that most of the channels are backing Panneerselvam. Yet, they haven't gone overboard revealing their bias towards OPS and hatred on Sasikala.
However, a 9 numbered channel appeared to have developed immense prejudice on Sasikala and is trying its best to sling mud on her. It didn't even hesitate telling lies about the number of supporters of Sasikala.
It is a known news that Sasikala had disclosed that she had the support of 131 MLAs with her. And they were secreted in undisclosed locations. None of the Telugu channels has contradicted with her. However, above channel has mentioned that the number of supporters of Sasikala had been confined to just 87 and 43 others are missing. Observers say this is one of the futile attempts to create panic among AIADMK supporters.
But then, why should the channel support OPS? Sources say, OPS has been supported by the BJP government at the center. As the BJP allied with the TDP, the pro TDP's channel, obviously, works in favour of BJP too. and so is the hatred developed against Sasikala.