Naga Chaitanya's latest offing 'Premam' was opened with positive word of mouth and rave reviews. The movie collected a share of Rs.2.34 crores on the day one of its release in Telugu states, which is pretty decent.
The movie recorded steady collections on day two as well. According to the trade reports, the film collected close to Rs.4 crores for two days in Telugu states which includes Rs.1.47 crores share collections in Nizam and Rs.65 lakhs in Ceded. As Dussehra holidays will be continued till 12th of this month, the film may enjoy dream run at the box office.
Shruti Haasan, Madonna Sebastian and Anupama Parameswaran have romanced Naga Chaitanya in this film. Gopi Sundar has composed the tunes of the movie. The movie was directed by Chandoo Mondeti on Sithara Entertainment.