Victory Venkatesh's 'Babu Bangaram' theatrical trailer was unveiled by the makers today. The trailer appears to be a right blend of comedy and action elements wherein Venkatesh excelled in showcasing comedy with ease. Venkatesh, who plays an ACP in the film, falls for Nayantara. However, it was a one sided love from Venky and love track was not elevated though.
Apart from Venkatesh's trademark style of dialogue delivery, the trailer was loaded with good number of action sequences. Sampat Raj essayed the main villain role. BGM of Ghibran was good. As Venkatesh introduces 'Babu Bangaram' concept to achieve a task, there is a chance for comedy of errors. Altogether, the trailer of 'Babu Bangaram' has been packed with full of entertainment and the same maybe reflected in the movie as well.
'Babu Bangaram' has been directed by Maruthi on Sitara Entertainment. The makers have released the audio songs in a grand audio launch tonight in Hyderabad. Music lovers seem to have been satisfied with the songs.
Click here for Babu Bangaram theatrical trailer: