India's top director Shankar's ongoing project 'Robo 2.0' is considered to be the costliest movie of India. Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth is the protagonist of the movie. However, the most crucial role in the film is being enacted by Bollywood's star hero Akshay Kumar. He plays the role of an antagonist as a Robo.
Rumours are being milled that Akshay Kumar charged a bomb for the film and which is said to be more than Rajini's remuneration of the movie. Though everyone from the film unit has been tight lipped about the remunerations of the stars, inside sources have confirmed that Akshay charged more remuneration than Rajini in the movie.
Amy Jackson, who played lead actress' role in Shankar's previous film 'I', is doing opposite to Rajini in the film. AR Rehaman is composing the music of the movie. Nirav Shah has done cinematography. Lyca Productions is the production house of the film.