To avoid the clash with Prince Mahesh's 'Brahmotsavam', the makers of 'A..Aa' postponed their film's release date to June 2. Now that 'Brahmotsavam' carried negative reports, the production team of 'A..Aa' might have repented for not releasing their film on May 27 itself. Whatsoever, they have finally, locked the release to June 2 and date wall posters have been released.
Both theatrical trailer and audio songs received rave response from movie lovers. Mickey J Meyer has rendered the music which is a nice blend of melodious and fast beat tunes. Nithiin and Samantha have done the lead roles of this breezy romantic comedy.
Ace director and wizard of words Trivikram has wielded megaphone for the film. Radhakrishna has produced the movie on Harika and Hassine Creations.