Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna graced the audio launch of Nara Rohit's 'Raja Cheyyi Vesthey' yesterday, as a chief guest along with the AP CM Chandrababu Naidu. Balakrishna's speech appeared to be a right mix of spiritual, mythological, devotional and movie related elements.
Balakrishna remembered and praised late NTR starting with the lines 'Aa roju maa naannagaru..' which made audience to go berserk. He then called NTR as Daivamsha Sambhoothudu (godman) and tried to define the meaning of it. Balakrishna also explained about poorva janma (previous birth) and papaphalam (outcome of a sin).
In the meanwhile, a glimpse on Bammera Pothana's 'Maha Bhagavatham's story Vamanavathara' was also narrated by Balakrishna. However, he made mistakes in reciting the poem "Kare rajulu rajyamul galugave garvonnathinbondarey." Balakrishna has also chanted slokas on music and lord Narasimha Swamy as such he made the fans to go jubilant. Altogether, Balakrishna's speech was appealing and went on peaceful note without any controversies.