It is a known news that mega hero Allu Sirish's new movie's title has been confirmed as 'Srirasthu Shubhamasthu' and the first look got good response from the movie lovers. The title of the movie appeared pleasant and it has dual sentiment too.
Megastar Chiranjeevi acted a movie titled 'Srirasthu Shubhamasthu' in 1981 and the movie was a decent hit those days. Also, 'Srirasthu Shubhamasthu' is one of the all time best marriage songs of Tollywood from Rajendra Prasad's 'Pellipusthakam'.
Given the above sentimental factors and the title's sanctity and blessedness 'Srirasthu Shubhamasthu' is expected to be a big hit for Allu Sirish. The movie is being directed by Parasuram. Lavanya Tripathi romances with Allu Sirish in the film. Mega Producer Allu Aravind is producing the movie on Geetha Arts.