Keerthy Suresh debuted in Telugu with Ram starrer ‘Nenu Shailaja’ is going great guns in Kollywood too. Although debuted first in Malayalam and then Tamil before arriving in Telugu, looks like her career is going to take a big break in Telugu very soon. Meanwhile, Keerthy is reported to have run away with an opportunity of Kajal Agarwal in Kollywood and that too besides star hero Ilayathalapathy Vijay.
Yes, Kajal was first selected as heroine besides Vijay for an untitled flick in direction of Bharathan. At a later hour with production to begin in next couple of months, makers have replaced Kajal with Keerthy surprising everyone. Despite knowing a fact that Keerthy Suresh has done numerous Tamil films, this is considered as her real breakthrough after enjoying a tremendous success in Telugu with ‘Nenu Shailaja.’
Meanwhile, there was also a buzz on Keerthy is being roped as heroine besides Ramcharan in ‘Thani Oruvan’ Tamil remake but the offer finally landed in Rakul Preet Singh’s lap. Let us see, how a talented young girl like Keerthy can grill the young hearts in South India in coming days.