Nandamuri Balakrishna new movie ‘Dictator’ is prior announced for a grand release as Pongal gift for Nandamuri Fans. While the date of January 14th is almost locked, director Sriwass and entire production team from Eros are on the heels to wrap the whole post production by end of the year. However, here comes a stumbling block in the form of Chennai floods which took the toll on music director SS Thaman.
As per unofficial reports, Thaman is on the half way to complete the re-recording works of ‘Dictator’ as his Chennai studio is submerged in flood water with equipment need huge repairs to be done. Engineering team from Mumbai is working on this part but one does not know whether Thaman can make ‘Dictator’ product ready by Pongal or not.
Sriwass is also reported to have approached Mani Sharma and Chinna to complete the remaining re-recording and DTS works instead of SS Thaman. We need to wait and see, how good these two can do justice for an assignment taken up earlier by Thaman.