Malayalam Blockbuster 'Premam' movie will soon be remade in Telugu with Naga Chaitanya. The title of the movie was earlier considered as 'Majnu' which is also a super hit film's title of King Nagarjuna.
Latest reports from film nagar reveal that the production team is not interesting in 'Majnu' title of the movie. They are contemplating to change the title of the movie as 'Premam', the original version's title of the movie. The makers feel 'Premam' would be an apt title for this romantic entertainer. However, the word conveys no meaning in Telugu. It remains to be seen whether the makers opt for the same title or do they prefer another title for the movie.
Stunning beauty Shruti Haasan has recently signed for 'Premam's remake while Anupama Parameswaran will be seen as another heroine of the film. Chandu Mondeti of 'Karthikeya' fame will direct this movie. The movie's regular shoot will kick start from December 1.