Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'Bruce Lee' has been rated as the biggest disaster by the media. Even then, the movie has collected a respectable share of Rs.41 crores world wide. Besides, the movie created a couple of interesting records in some of the B and C centers across the Telugu states.
As per trade reports, 'Bruce Lee' has created an interesting feat in Kadiri of Ceded area. The movie is reported to have collected Rs.17+ lakhs share so far and is still minting money without deficits. Incidentally, Prince Mahesh's blockbuster 'Srimanthudu' collected Rs.16.82 lakhs in this center. Meanwhile, Rajamouli's 'Baahubali' holds the first place in this area.
Ram Charan's new movie's formal launch is expected soon. This is going to be the remake of Tamil blockbuster 'Thani Oruvan'. Surender Reddy will hold megaphone for this action entertainer. Cast and crew of the movie will be announced soon.