Director Gunasekhar's 'Rudhramadevi' has accumulated a share of Rs.50+ crores so far. This is the first time a historical entertainer breaching the milestone of Rs.50 crores share. According to the latest snippet, 'Rudhramadevi' created another rare feat.
Reports are that 'Rudhramadevi' crosses $1 M in the US including its Telugu and Tamil versions. Anushka enthralled the audiences as 'Rudhramadevi' while Stylish Star Allui Arjun's 'Gona Gannareddy' role pulled huge turnout of mega fans to theaters which resulted the movie getting record collections at the box office.
The movie has ensemble star cast, who include Rana, Krishnam Raju, Prakash Raj, Suman, Baba Sehgal and many others. The movie's music was scored by Ilairaja. Gunasekhar, himself directed as well as produced the movie on Guna Team Works. Gunasekhar has recently registered the title 'Veerabhimanyu' at the film chamber. More details of this project are awaited.