According to a survey, maximum number of media houses in Andhra Pradesh state support the ruling Telugu Desham Party. The job of these pro TDP media is to telecast biased programs of the party. However, it is learnt that most of these media are not doing the job allotted for them regularly. On an average of three or four biased programs in support of the TDP are telecasted by these channels per week. Obviously, the TDP's activists are disappointed for these channels' irregularity.
However, there is one channel named 'CBN Chandrajyothi' which telecasts good number of programs in support of the TDP on daily basis. The day opens up with a opinion poll question which is completely meant for the benefits of the TDP. The channel defends Pattiseema and denies AP's special status as per Chandrababu's wish. Fans of TDP are proud of this particular channel. Also, they question why shouldn't other channels should learn from this channel.
" We have many channels who extend their support on us including a number one channel. Unfortunately, they don't telecast TDP biased programs daily as this channel does. We hope those channels should learn from the dedication and devotion being shown by CBN channel," appealed a TDP's fan.