Ram Gopal Varma has taken his twitter account to heap praises on Prince Mahesh's 'Sriamanthudu'. Apart from praising 'Srimanthudu', RGV had some satires on 'Baahubali' which had been made with hundreds of crores which also had been under production for hundreds of days. His tweets are given below.
* So soon after extravaganza of Bahubali,Srimanthudu simplicity told with heart also can create thundering impact is a greater achievement
* Cinematographer Vittorio storaro said there's no greater visual than a charming actor performing in a close up and Mahesh is proof of that
* What's amazing about cinema is that a right actor's close up like Mahesh can create a greater impact than a great CG generated visual
* Srimanthudu proved impact doesn't only come frm 100's of crores n 100s of days shooting..a simple story nd plain closeups of Mahesh can too.