Gunasekhar's highly awaited historical entertainer 'Rudhramadevi' is gearing up for release on June 26. May it be due to its ensemble star cast or may it be due to its genre the movie is carrying positive buzz at the moment. Moreover, Megastar Chiranjeevi's voice over turned as a driving force for the movie.
'Rudhramadevi' is also expected to release in maximum number of centers in AP, Telangana and other parts of the world. Conspicuously, availability of theaters will become difficult for small budgeted movies to be released on that day.
Reports are that Naga Sourya's 'Jadhoogau', Sundeep Kishan's 'Tiger' and Allari Naresh's 'James Bond' are hitting the screens on June 26 which is also the release date of 'Rudhramadevi'. It is yet to be seen how well these movies would carry positive buzz facing the toughest competition from 'Rudhramadevi'.