When Rajamouli confirmed hero Nani would be anchoring for 'Baahubali's audio launch, fans of the actor have jumped with joy hearing the news. Nani could have fitted the bill in the new job given his decency in looks and talk.
Here is an unexpected shocker from Nani which may affect the essence of 'Baahubali's audio event. Nani was injured during the climax action sequence of his ongoing movie 'Bhale Bhale Magadioi' and so he cannot take part in 'Baahubali's audio launch.
"Leg injury in BBM climax action sequence .. Unable to be a part of #BaahubaliAudio .. My best wishes to the team and the fans on the launch," tweeted Nani. It remains to be seen who is going to replace Nani in the function as an anchor. The grand event is held today at 7 pm in Tirupathi.