Revanth Reddy's 'Cash for Vote' issue turned out to be a huge setback for Telugu Desham Party and it's head and CM of AP, Chandrababu Naidu. As more than 90% of the media supports the TDP, it turns out to be an interesting issue how they got reacted on this unexpected blow.
Reports are that a media house, that faces a ban in one of the areas, has been mourning for the arrest of Revanth Reddy. Facetiously, that media fights against the TRS government. But the latest incident has done great favour to the party leaving an utter despair and dismay to the media house. Meanwhile, that media alongside some more media houses censored Revanth Reddy's video footage.
A number one channel expressed its anguish in a dignified way. The channel telecasted a 30 minute program on those politicians who were caught by ACB and were arrested on the charges of corruption. Its intension is to prove all are corrupted and so was Revanth.
A media baron's newspaper side lighted the issue glorifying other unimportant news headlines. That media also tried to prove the entire incident as a conspiracy of the TRS party.