Mega hero Allu Sirish has celebrated his 28th birthday today in Geetha Arts office. Mega producer Allu Aravind, Stylish Star Allu Arjun, director Maruthi, Parasuram and Bunny Vas have attended the cake cutting program and wished him a bright future in his career.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun tweeted, "Happy Birthday Siri ! My dearest , most sensible friend & brother ! Have a greattt day !!!". Allu Sirish got mixed results with 'Gowravam' and 'Kotha Janta'. Post 'Kotha Janta's release none of the projects has been taken up by Allu Sirish.
Sirish has recently posted a pic of his that showcases his muscular body with six pack abs. He is likely to do an action entertainer for his next in the direction of Parasuram. More details of this project are awaited.