A Telugu news channel has reportedly been running a bad time for the past one year. The channel was imposed a ban in one of the key areas of Telugu states. From then on, the channel has been lamenting and made many protests to get the ban lifted. Unfortunately, it was not happened so.
Recently, some of the big filmmakers have taken a decision not to promote their movies in channels with less TRPs, as part of cost cutting measures. However, all those channels who have less TRP ratings maintained decency for not reacting with the decision of producers. Besides, they have taken the matter light.
However, above mentioned channel went on revenge taking measures by telecasting mud slinging programs on big filmmakers and big heroes. But the producers strategically maintained silence. Recently, the channel launched one lakh prize money scheme program in its prime time aiming at more TRPs. However, the participants need to pay Rs.6 per call as phone charges and they are supposed to call the channel at least for four times to participate the show. This program also appeared to have failed, as the program was not telecsted today. The channel's well wishers are hoping the channel should take wise decisions to get its TRPs increased.