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Has Modi Insulted India?

Addressing the gathering a couple of months ago in Toronto, the PM Narendra Modi criticized it was 'Scam India'  during the Congress Party's rule. Irrespective of the political stand, no Indian is supposed to criticize its motherland, especially, in foreign countries. Sadly, Modi could not know this truth, as per his critics. 

And Modi gave even bigger controversial statement that hurt the feelings of Indians inside India and abroad. Speaking to an English daily Modi said, " Earlier, you( Indians) felt ashamed of being born Indian. Now you feel proud to represent the country. Indians abroad had all hoped for a change in government last year." Having delivered such an unexpected and shocking statement, Modi received brickbats from all corners. Even though Modi intended to gain politically with such a harsh statement, keeping the politics aside, Indians got hurt with Modi's statement and expressed their anguish on Modi in different ways. There were thousands of tweets and messages against Modi in social networking platforms. ' Modi insults India' hash tag trended world wide for the past two days. And more strangely, the hash tag that is being seen in world wide and Indian trends maps, was suddenly got removed from Indian trends, which further led to many suspicions if any manipulations were made by managing social media. Some of the tweets on Modi's derogatory comments on India are given below. 

* Dear Prime minister, Indians are not respected abroad because of you but you are getting respected abroad because of India.#ModiInsultsIndia

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* A PM who talks bad about his own country on foreign soil, will never gain respect in International arena. #Fact.

* Maharana Pratap was ashamed being an Indian until Modi became PM!

* India is our motherland and no child can be ashamed of being born to its mother

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