Deepika Padukone is the girl from Karnataka acquired star status with Bollywood films. She shared the screen with Bollywood Super Star Shah Rukh Khan in her debut film Om Shanthi Om. Her latest release Piku has got good reviews and is doing good at the box office.
Basking in the success of Piku, Deepika told, "Feeling excited to be the part of successful film Piku and also sharing the screen with legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan. I faced many hurdles to get this kind of opportunities. I have been rejected by most of the film makers in my early days of film career. Now, public and media made me star actress. I believe that star status will be attained only by Success. But, I don't like to enjoy the star status because one day or the other I have to quit the industry as an actress. So I'm just an actress."