Touted to be India's first 3D historic film, 'Rudhramadevi' is being made as a magnum opus. This much awaited movie has an interesting connection with one of the all time best classics of Hollywood, 'Titanic'. Going by the details, 'Titanic' had its background score recorded at Angels Studio of London. And now, 'Rudhramadevi' is also getting its background score recorded in the same studio. Ilayaraja, who is London, is busy working for the best output of the music.
Anushka has done the protagonist in the movie. Stylish Star Allu Arjun has done the warrior Gona Gannareddy role in the movie while Rana will seen as prince Chalukya Veerabhadra. The movie was directed and produced by Gunasekhar on Guna Team Works.