In spite of the super duper success of Stylish Star Allu Arjun's 'S/o Satyamurthy's audio launch at 'Novotel', there is one factor that irked the mega fans at the core. Lighting was not properly adjusted at times. Senior hero Rajendra Prasad complained of lighting problem during his speech. Devi Sri Prasad was disgusted with poor lighting and revealed unless the lighting would be bright, the concert would not be succeeded. And lastly, there was a power failure during the speech of Allu Arjun. However, Allu Arjun's continued his brief speech for two to three more minutes. Having seen the arrangements made by the organizers on lighting, some of the movie goers felt Novotel is not right choise for movie funtions.
Directed by Trivikram the movie was produced by Radhakrishna on Harika and Haassine Creations. Samantha, Adah Sharma and Nitya Menon have done female lead roles.