Tamil Superstar Rajankanth is on lean pace of his career with two back to back disasters 'Kochadaiyaan' and 'Lingaa' in 2013. There have been many cooked up stories Rajini's next film for the past couple of days. As top director of tollywood Rajamouli attended as the guest of 'Lingaa' s audio launch, Rajamouli was thought to be directing Rajini's next flick. Also it was heard Rajini's next movie would be directed by South Indian top director Shankar.
Grapevine is that AR Murugadoss has recently narrated a story to Rajinikanth which has the hero to be sported in dual roles. Rajinikanth is said to have given his nod working for the movie. Aascar Ravichandran will be producing the movie. More details are awaited on this project.