Mega Power Star Ramcharan’s last release ‘Govindudu Andari Vaadele’ although did not do any wonders at BO, the movie is sincerely grabbing the attention of Bollywood and there are chances of the same to be remade in Hindi. Directed by Krishna Vamsi with Kajal Agarwal, Prakash Raj, Srikanth and Jayasudha in main leads, the film is a family entertainer projected Charan in a new angle. Now, we hear that Bollywood director Prabhu Deva who watched the film at a special screening recently is in discussions with one of the top B-town producers are procuring the remake rights.
When media men tried to contact ‘GAV’ producer Bandla Ganesh Babu, he too agreed on the same. ‘I arranged a special show of ‘GAV’ and Prabhu Deva who is a good friend of me from lone time thoroughly enjoyed it. I cannot speak more on any other details,’ Ganesh skipped. As Prabhu Deva is popular in North circles for Telugu, Tamil to Hindi remakes, we might hear some good news on ‘GAV’ remake very soon.