Kailash Sathyarthi won Nobel Prize for peace last year and made Indians to raise their collars proudly. This social activist fought for children's rights and their education and freed many child labour from the clutches of the factory owners and joined them in schools. As such, he deserves to get Nobel Peace Prize.
"If Kailash Sathyarthi is the recipient of Nobel prize, why shouldn't our heroes get the same award as they are doing social service extensively in an organized way over the decades?" questioned by the fans of some of our tollywood heroes. They also added, " We are also thinking about top civilian awards like Bharath Ratna. But our politicians have other options for their personal benefits."
In the year 1979, Mother Teresa received Nobel Peace Prize. Later, in 1980, Indian government honoured her with Bharat Ratna. Here point is that our government recognized her only after she was honoured by Nobel Awards Committee. Perhaps, it is better for fans of heroes, to take an initiation and proper steps to make their heroes winning international honours like Nobel peace prize, Raman Megsese Award etc. Obviously, they will receive top civilian awards of India as well.