There is virtually a stiff competition going on between Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu for Tollywood No 1 seat. Every time when they arrive with new releases, the balance tilts either way. Apparently, the last releases of ‘Aagadu’ and ‘Nenokkadine’ from Mahesh Babu being declared as disasters while Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi, Gopala Gopala’ unanimously approved as hits has kept Pawan slightly on front foot. At this juncture, Mahesh Babu Fans would love and wish to see their hero’s next movie coming in Koratala Siva’s direction to break all the top records.
Taking this pressure into consideration, we are reported from film circles on how much cautiousness Mahesh Babu is maintaining on his new flick. As we also know, shooting is progressing at a low pace. Until and unless quality is managed, Fans doesn’t mind even if Mahesh arrives a bit late.