An interesting rumour which is making rounds in film nagar is that Power Star Pawan Kalyan and mega Power Star Ram Charan will be teaming up for a multi-starrer film. As per the buzz, the movie will be directed by none other than Trivikram and will be produced by Bhagawan and Pullarao. Trivikram is also said to have completed the script work of the movie. Well, we are yet to wait for some more days whether this news is to be believed or not. If at all, the movie gets materialized, this is considered as the biggest mulit-starrer of tollywood for the past few decades.
Pawan Kalyan's 'Gopala Gopala' is hitting the screens on January 9. Venkatesh is other lead star in this multi-starrer. Kishore Pardasani has directed the movie. On the other side, Ram Charan is in a signing spree. His new movie with Srinu Vaitla's combo will go on sets soon. He will be working with Surender Reddy as well.