The Telangana Chief Minister, KCR has taken a wise decision and thus showed his respect and kind hearted nature on a great artist, who hails from Nalgonda of Telangana state. Going by the reports, Tourism and Culture (CA) Department, the Telangana government on Wednesday sanctioned monthly financial assistance of Rs. 10,000 to Hymavathi, 80, wife of legendary Telugu hero TL Kantha Rao, during her life time from January, 2015.
Kantha Rao made his film debut with 'Nirdoshi'( 1951). However, he was first seen as a hero in 'Pratigna' released in 1953. Thereafter, he acted in different genres of movies such as fantasies, historical, mythological and social films. 'Jwaladweeparahasyam', 'Guruvunu Minchina Sishyudu', 'Bangaru Thimmaraju', 'Chikkadu Dorakadu', 'Sahasrasirascheda Apoorva Chintamani' are some of his master pieces.