Mega brother Nagababu's son, Varun Tej's debut film 'Mukunda' audio was launched grandeur recently. Trailer was also launched on the same dais by Allu Aravind. Although there was no revelation of the story and other highlights in the trailer of the movie, Varun Tej's handsome and rugged looks, his expressions in the action sequences were well established. At this juncture, 'Mukunda' is the most awaited movie of tollywood, as Varun Tej is giving his entry as another 'Konidela' hero after Mega Power Star Ram Charan.
Pooja Hegde has romanced with Varun Tej in this family and action entertainer. Micky J Meyer has scored the music of the movie. Directed by Srikanth Addala, the the movie has been produced by Tagore Madhu and Nallamalupu Bujji on Leo Productions. The movie is slated for release on December 24.